Monday’s and the Storm

My Monday’s got very interesting this weekend.  I found out that I would be an adjunct professor for a social studies methods class at my alma mater– HBU.  A few weeks ago, one of my former professors contacted me and asked if I would be interested in the position.  I am just giddy with excitement.  I loved that class when I took and hope to do the same for this group of students.

As we were wrapping up the class for the evening, it started thundering and the wind really picked up.  Pretty soon, the sky opened up and the rain started falling.  After about 45 minutes it was just sprinkling so I was able to drive through the flooded streets and horrible traffic to get home.  The storm had just passed through and knocked out the electricity.  And when I say it knocked out the electricity, I mean everything, including the traffic lights.  It just amazes me that people do not understand (especially the UPS driver) that when the lights are out it is a 4-way stop and fly through intersections that are not operational.

My camera happen to be in the front seat and I took this waiting in the long line of cars to get through the intersection.

Wade fixed gourmet mac and cheese with hot dogs (real cooks have gas, so not having electricity did not hinder him from cooking dinner).  We ate by candle light.  Something we have not done since the hurricane 2 years ago.  The bad part was that we did not get electricity until 3am.  Being so hot and humid and not having AC makes for a bad combo.  I got very little sleep.

In the morning, we checked out the damage.  The winds were so strong, they moved the bball goal across the patio.  Some of the pots were flipped upside down and thrown across the yard.  Our bug zapper was ripped off of the eve and thrown on the ground.  AND my luffa fell down!!!  Wade and I are not sure what to do with it now.  The fruit is still not ready to be picked.

But…the playhouse was unaffected!  We built it to withstand a hurricane and it looks like it just might work.  We even have small pieces of wood to cover the windows if we need.