Playhouse- Part IV

After working all weekend, *most* of the playhouse is finished.  Now it is just fine details that need to be added.

This weekend, we had to finish the other 1/2 of the roof.  This time, we decided to put the shingles on the roof like roofers do.  Wade was able to get the plywood up on the rafters while I screwed it in.  We added the tar paper and then I shingled…in the dark since it was so darn hot outside.  This made for some interesting lines… 🙂  We realized as we got down to the very end, we were 2 shingles short.  UGH!!!  The next morning I headed back to HD to get 2 more.  Of course, I failed to get the right color so 2 shingles are tan instead of red.  I was NOT about to go back to HD for $2.  I put these last 2 shingles on at 7am…and I decided I WILL NOT BE A ROOFER in my next career!

Now we are doing the details.  Wade helped me put most of the trim on.  The door is finished, but we need bigger hinges.  The inside is painted.  The only major thing we have left to do is the railing around the front.  This weekend…I am confident we will finish!  At least we better!

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV


One response to “Playhouse- Part IV”

  1. Paul Wagner Avatar
    Paul Wagner

    When is the window unit going in that playhouse…or are you going with central air? I am also waiting for running water and a electrical outlets. In the end you may be safer in that playhouse than your own house in a hurricane. It is off the ground already and you would only need a small generator to keep the whole place up and running!